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publicationMarch 13, 2024

Lebanon Country Climate and Development Report

Lebanon Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR)

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The aligns the country’s short-term recovery needs with resilient, low-carbon, long-term development to study the effects of climate change on Lebanon’s recovery and development objectives. It builds on quantitative modeling-based analytics, existing research and country diagnostics, and extensive stakeholder consultations.

The CCDR examines four key sectors – Energy, Water, Transport and Solid Waste – as key pillars of a climate-responsive recovery. Two macroeconomic baseline scenarios – a business-as-usual “muddling through” scenario and a broad reforms-based recovery scenario – underline the report’s findings. The first assumes continuation of inaction on reforms, absence of fiscal space, and a banking sector that is incapable of providing financing to the private sector. The recovery scenario assumes that macro-fiscal reforms will be adopted that will gradually ease financing constraints and increase fiscal space.

VIDEO: Advancing Climate Action in Lebanon