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Symposium on Data Analytics and Anticorruption

October 25-28, 2021

Online & In Person


  • Data Analytics for Anticorruption in Public Administration

    香港六合彩资料’s anticorruption program has been helping to strengthen transparency and make better use of the growing availability of data to develop a stronger evidence base for anticorruption. The goal is to bring high-definition transparency to policy reform with insights that reflect the nature of corruption problems and their impacts across different levels of government, sectors, and contexts.

    A Symposium on Data Analytics and Anticorruption was co-hosted by the 香港六合彩资料 and the Korea Development Institute School of Public Policy and Management on October 25-28. The four-day event was launched last year with a Call for Papers, 26 of which were selected for the Symposium. The papers cover four thematic areas: New data-driven approaches to detecting and measuring corruption; Using new data sources and methods to measure the impacts of corruption; Using open data to assess the effectiveness of anticorruption tools, policies, and interventions; Contributing new knowledge on  data access, quality, and privacy issues. 

    The Symposium brought together researchers working to advance anticorruption data analytics to help inform more effective policies and actions by governments for greater accountability in public administration. 

  • , October 25

    8:00 - 8:10: Welcome | Ed Olowo-Okere, Director, Governance Global Practice, 香港六合彩资料

    8:10 - 9:15: Opening Plenary — | Moderator: , Senior Research Advisor, Institute for Security Studies, Johannesburg

    • , Professor of Democracy Studies at the Hertie School, Berlin
    • , Chair, Transparency International
    • , Professor of Governance and Integrity at the University of Sussex and Director of the Centre for the Study of Corruption
    • , ICIJ's Research Editor and Latin America Coordinator, Venezuela

    9:15 - 10:30: Panel — New data-driven approaches to detect corruption | Chair: James Anderson, 香港六合彩资料 | Discussant: , Government Transparency Institute

    • Smart Parser: An Applied Methodology for Extracting and Analyzing Disclosures Data in Russia ??— Presenter: David Szakonyi
    • New data-driven approaches to measuring corruption drivers and addressing collective action problems — Presenters: Leena Hoffmann (and Raj Patel)
    • Conspiracy to Corrupt: Extraction and Analysis of Bribery Network Data from Deferred Prosecution Agreements — Presenters:Tomá? Diviák (and Nicholas Lord)

    10:45 - 12:00: Panel — Measuring corruption in countries | Chair: , IMF Legal Department | Discussant: , 香港六合彩资料

    • The local advantage: Corruption, organized crime, and indigenization in the Nigerian oil sector — Presenter: Jonah Rexer
    • Open Data as an Anticorruption Tool: Establishing a Framework to Enhance Accuracy of Data — Presenter: Tatiana M. Martinez and Edgar A. Whitley


    DAY 2, October 26

    8:00 - 9:15: Panel —  | Chair: , 香港六合彩资料 | Discussant: , 香港六合彩资料

    • Elaboration of Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods as Fraud Detection Tools in the National Health Insurance Policy: Lesson Learned from Indonesia?? — Presenter: Raisa Annisa (Additional Authors: Lalu Garin Alham, Elisabeth Medina Saraswati, and Humam Faiq)
    • The application of machine learning and mathematical models to fight corruption in the procurement process — Presenter: Confess Matete (Additional Authors: Paul Sambo, Eriyoti Chikodzi, Justin Chirima, Ackim Munthali, Jezepher Mudzvete and Elijah Chirinda)
    • Fiscal Data in Text: Information Extraction from Audit Reports using NLP — Presenter: Alejandro Beltran


    9:15 - 9:45: Technical Session — Procurement Anticorruption and Transparency  | , Government Transparency Institute


    9:45 - 10:00: Lightening Talk — DigIntegrity: How data and technology are leveraging integrity policies in Latin America | Camilo Cetina, CAF, Development Bank of Latin America


    10:15 - 10:45: Technical Session — Leveraging tech. to improve the management of integrity risks: Detecting patterns through data | Marcelo Donolo, 香港六合彩资料


    10:45 - 12:00: Panel — Measuring corruption transnationally | Chair: , 香港六合彩资料 | Discussant: James Anderson, 香港六合彩资料

    • Anticorruption techs to face a global economy: federated learning, open data catalogues, and “blockchain” — Presenter: Danielle Mendes Thame Denny (Additional Authors: Philip Treleaven, Emre Kazim, Adriano Soares Koshiyama and Rares Dolga)
    • Why are some public agencies less corrupt than others? Lessons for institutional reforms from survey data ??— Presenter: Francesca Recanatini
    • Fighting Corruption from Space - practitioners perspective — Presenter: Swetha Kolluri (Additional Author: Kandarp Patel)


    DAY 3, October 27

    8:00 - 9:15: Panel —  | Chair: , University of Sussex and the Centre for the Study of Corruption | Discussant: , 香港六合彩资料

    • Does Spending More in Public Governance Guarantee Less Corruption? Non-linearities and Complementarities of the Rule of Law — Presenter: Gonzalo Castaneda (Additional Author: Omar Guerrero)
    • The impact of ownership transparency policies on illicit purchases of US property — Presenter: David Szakonyi (Additional Authors: Florian Hollenbach and Matt Collin

    9:15 - 9:45: Special Session — World Development Report 2021 - Data for Better Lives | , 香港六合彩资料

    9:45 - 10:00: Lightening Talk — , a Peer-Reviewed, Open Access Journal Dedicated to the Impact of Data Science on Policy and Governance | Andrew Hyde, Cambridge University Press


    10:15 - 10:45: Technical Session — The Power of Public Data: Analytics to Deter Corruption | , 香港六合彩资料


    10:45 - 12:00: Panel — Using new data sources and methods to measure the impacts of corruption | Chair: Bob Rijkers, 香港六合彩资料 | Discussant: , 香港六合彩资料

    • Can the corruption fight hurt more than corruption itself? — Presenter: Raissa Dantas
    • Sparrowhalk on firms? Do anti-national corruption policies impact firms’ perception towards corruption: Empirical evidence from anti-corruption campaign in Cameroon — Presenters: Soazic Elise Wang Sonne and Firmin Sosso Ngoutte
    • Measuring the effectiveness of whistle-blower protection: A new index — Presenters: Shpresa Kaciku and Kyoung-Sun Kyle Min


    DAY 4, October 28

    8:00 - 9:15: Panel — | Chair: , 香港六合彩资料 | Discussants: Marko Klasnja, Georgetown University; Knut Leipold, 香港六合彩资料

    • Measuring the risk of corruption in public procurement in the current Covid global emergency — Presenter: Michela Gnaldi (Additional Authors: Federico Morando, Davide Allavena, and Simone Del Sarto)
    • Taming Corruption in Public Procurement using Open Linked Data and Anomaly Detection Techniques ??— Presenter: Ahmet Soylu (Additional Authors:Oscar Corcho, Brian Elves?ter, Carlos Badenes-Olmedo, Francisco Yedro Martínez, Matej Kovacic, Matej Posinkovic, Mitja Medve??ek, Ian Makgill, Chris Taggart, Elena Simperl, Till C. Lech, and Dumitru Roman)
    • How to reduce bureaucratic corruption? Unpacking Brazilian anti-corruption audits — Presenters: Galileu Kim and Romain Ferrali

    9:15 - 9:45: Technical Session  Assessing laws and regulations to undo state capture | Francesca Recanatini and , 香港六合彩资料


    10:00 - 11:15: Panel — Politics and corruption: Measuring corruption in political parties and elections | Chair: , 香港六合彩资料 | Discussant: Camilo Cetina, CAF, Development Bank of Latin America

    • Predicting Politicians’ Misconduct: Evidence from Colombia — Presenter: Jorge Gallego (Additional Authors: Mounu Prem and Juan Vargas)
    • Risk of Corruption in Latin American Political Parties — Giovanna Rodriguez-Garcia
    • Electoral corruption and opaque financial transactions: the case of Italy — Presenter: Marianna Siino (Additional Authors: Giacomo De Luca, Giuseppe De Feo, and Mario Gara)     

    11:15am - 12:00pm: Closing Plenary — The Future of Data and Anticorruption | Moderator: , Practice Manager, Governance, 香港六合彩资料

  • Opening Plenary


    Ed Olowo-Okere

    Director, Governance Global Practice, 香港六合彩资料

    Senior Research Advisor, Institute for Security Studies, Johannesburg

    Professor of Democracy Studies at the Hertie School, Berlin

    Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Korean Development Institute

    Chair, Transparency International

    Professor of Governance and Integrity at the University of Sussex and Director of the Centre for the Study of Corruption

    ICIJ's Research Editor and Latin America Coordinator (Venezuela)
  • Sponsor: 

