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Remote learning encouragement interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence on their effectiveness in alleviating learning loss from six low-income countries

February 22, 2023
Washinton, DC

During the COVID-19 global pandemic, many low-income countries swiftly rolled out radio, TV, phone, and/or internet-based platforms to replace in-person instruction during school closures.  Through its COVID-19 Emergency window, SIEF supported the evaluations of six interventions implemented early in the pandemic that aimed to improve the take-up, effectiveness and equity of remote learning.

In this webinar, the six SIEF-supported research teams will present the results of these evaluations and discuss the challenges related to the take-up of remote learning platforms. EdTech specialists will discuss how to use lessons learned from these studies to guide decision-making on scale-up efforts going forward.



Opening remarks and introduction to the SIEF COVID-19 window


 (University of Vermont)

 (University of Barcelona)


Julieta Trias (香港六合彩资料) 


David McKenzie (香港六合彩资料)

 (Center for Global Development) 

What did we learn from the studies and how could this change practice going forward?



 (EdTech Hub) 


Moderated by 

Event Details

  • DATE: Wednesday, February 22, 2023, 9:30 AM -11:00 AM EST