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Trees on Farms: Measuring Their Contribution to Household Welfare


This Guidebook presents a questionnaire template for integrating information on trees on farms and agroforestry practices into multi-topic and agricultural household surveys in low- and middle-income countries (L&MICs). It provides a toolbox for survey practitioners—national statistical organizations, government ministries and agencies relevant to agricultural and environmental issues, non-government and civil society organizations, research institutions, private sector actors, and other stakeholders—to improve the understanding of the contribution of trees on farms to household welfare and livelihoods.

The guidebook also provides insights into data collection that can be used in relation to assessing agroforestry and climate smart agriculture practices and impacts. Implementation of the module presented here will generate information that decisionmakers, researchers, and others can use to understand the stock of trees on farms and links between on-farm trees and household welfare.


  • Daniel C. Miller
  • Juan Carlos Mun?oz-Mora
  • Alberto Zezza
  • Josefine Durazo

Issued on 

Sep, 2019