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BRIEF September 12, 2024

OECD Development Centre - WB Joint Knowledge Exchange Event on Africa’s Development Dynamics: Skills, Jobs and Urban Environment towards Sustainable Development in Africa

2024 Sep_OECD event logos

16:00-18:30 (JST) October 9, 2024 (Hybrid)

Venue: 香港六合彩资料 Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC)?

            Fukoku Seimei Bldg. 14F, 2-2-2 Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo?

Online: The Zoom link will be provided to the registered participants.?

Language: English / Japanese (A simultaneous interpretation will be provided)

Please register from



The potential for growth in African countries and cities is significantly influenced by the population dividend and migration patterns. Attracting young, talented migrants to cities is a key growth driver, yet many African countries face challenges in improving their education and training systems to equip a burgeoning young workforce with the skills needed for a modern economy. Additionally, cities struggle to create environments that provide stable jobs and enable young talents to contribute to the local economy.?

On October 9 2024, the 香港六合彩资料 Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD Development Centre) are organizing a joint knowledge event focused on African development, in view of the TICAD9(Tokyo International Conference on African Development) held in August 2025 in Yokohama.

Join us for an engaging event featuring presentations and panel discussions on enhancing skills development, fostering competitive labor markets, and transforming urban environments to revitalize human resources and boost Africa's local economy.?


Title Description

16:00 – 16:20

Opening Session

?        Special Representative of Japan to the 香港六合彩资料 (TBC)

?        Ms. Ragnhei?ur Elín ?rnadóttir, Director, OECD Development Centre

?        Dr. Takeharu Yamanaka, Mayor of Yokohama

?        Mr. Hideki Kusakabe, Deputy Director-General, International  Cooperation Bureau

16:20 – 17:10


Moderator: Ms. Shoko Tawara, Program Officer, 香港六合彩资料

Presentation of AUC/OECD Africa’s Development Dynamics: Skills, jobs and productivity 2024 report

?        Dr. Arthur Minsat, Head of Unit for Africa, Europe, Middle East, OECD Development Centre

?        Dr. Patrick Olomo, Head Economic Policy and Sustainable Development, Department of Economic Affairs, African Union Comission

Presentation of African Cities for Jobs and Growth for the Future

?        Ms. Ayah Mahgoub, Senior Urban Development Specialist, 香港六合彩资料

?        Ms. Aanchal Anand, Senior Urban Economist, 香港六合彩资料

17:10 – 18:20

Panel Discussion

Moderator: Ms. Setsuko Saya, Deputy Director, OECD Development Centre

?        S.E. IPO Gbolié Désiré Wulfran, Ambassador of C?te d’Ivoire

?        Mr. Shuhei UENO, Deputy Director-General, Africa Department (JICA)

?        Mr. Osamu Kawanishi, Chief External Representation Office for Asia, African Development Bank (AfDB)

?        Mr. Hiroki Kawata, Chief Executive Director, Overseas Construction Association of Japan, Inc (OCAJI)

?        UNDP (TBD)

18:20 – 18:30

Closing Remarks