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DaTax: A Lab to Study Taxes, Firms and Jobs using Micro Data

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Public Finance / Tax Conference

DaTax Latest News

  • DaTax Anne Brockmeyer CESifo Venice
    CESifo Venice Summer Institute, June 2024

    Anne Brockmeyer gave a keynote lecture entitled “Firms, Inequality and the Global Minimum Tax” at the CESifo Summer Institute workshop ”, which took place in Venice on June 24 and 25. The lecture presented new estimates on the revenue gains from the global minimum tax (pillar 2) in a set of lower-income countries. It led to a lively discussion about the design features of pillar 2 and the welfare consequences of using tax incentives to attract FDI.

  • Chris Hoy Tax and Policy Institute
    Tax and Transfer Policy Institute, June 2024

    Christopher Hoy participated in the 4th Australian Workshop on Public Finance, held in Canberra, Australia, on June 13 and 14. During the event, he delivered a presentation on the topic "Trade-offs in the Design of Simplified Tax Regimes: Evidence from Tax Administrative Data." His presentation explored the complexities involved in implementing simplified tax systems, presenting key findings derived from tax administrative data.

  • Anne Brockmeyer DaTax in Zimbabwe
    May 2024

    Anne Brockmeyer traveled to Malawi and Zimbabwe during May 15-22, for workshops with the Ministries of Finance and Revenue Authorities, to discuss evidence-based tax policy design and the value of micro data analysis. The workshops were an opportunity to present DaTax and will hopefully be the start of a longer-term partnership in tax micro data analysis.

  • Thiago Scot Honduras DaTax
    Joint Conference with SAR (Honduras), May 2024

    Thiago Scot and Tatiana Flores presented key findings and discussed the methodologies of two reports: (1)  and (2)  at a joint event with the Country Office and the Service Revenue Administration (SAR) in Honduras. The event was targeted towards students and the local academic community and was held at the National Autonomous University (UNAH), with approximately 200 participants.

  • Postcard for the Policy Research Talk on Taxation for Development
    Policy Research Talk, May 2024

    In this Policy Research Talk, Anne Brockmeyer, Oyebola Okunogbe and Pierre Bachas shared the latest findings from a recent symposium of papers on Taxation and Developing Countries in the Journal of Economic Perspectives that take stock of this emerging body of knowledge.

  • Dario Tortarolo DaTax in Estonia Embassy
    International Tax Policy Seminar, April 2024

    Dario Tortarolo participated as a panelist on the "International Tax Policy Seminar" at the Embassy of Estonia together with the Minister of Finance of Estonia to discuss tax policy choices and trends toward improving tax systems’ competitiveness and neutrality.

  • Public Economics Program Meeting/Economic Analysis of Business Taxation Conference, Fall 2023

    DaTax members Anne Brockmeyer, Dario Tortarolo and Thiago Scot presented work at the NBER Public Economics meetings in November 2023.

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