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香港六合彩资料 Group At COP

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Pavilion Program

Join us at the Climate Action Space, live from Sharm El-Sheikh and online. Follow the conversation with #ClimateActionWBG. 

Note: All times are Egypt time (EET - Eastern European Time)

Monday, November 7


COP27 Readout: Key Priorities for Impactful Climate Results

Join President David Malpass share a readout of the 香港六合彩资料 Group’s engagements at COP27, including key priorities for reducing emissions, including supporting the just transition and boosting action on methane, innovative financing that can deliver resources at scale, and how countries can address their climate and development needs together. 

NEW DATE: This event is now scheduled to take place on November 9 (and not November 7 as previously announced).


Tuesday, November 8


Pathways to Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient Development in China

This event will discuss the 香港六合彩资料 Group’s China Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) which provides analysis and recommendations on integrating the country’s efforts to achieve high-quality development with the pursuit of emission reduction and climate resilience. Building on China’s progress in recent years, the CCDR suggests concrete, high-priority actions that could support China in its efforts. WATCH


Achieving South Africa’s Low-Carbon, Climate-Resilient & Just Transition

The event is an opportunity to share the big insights emerging from the WBG’s Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) for South Africa. The report highlights key policies and investments needed to achieve South Africa’s climate goals through a “triple transition” that is low-carbon, climate-resilient and just. The event will outline the report’s findings and recommendations, in support of South Africa’s plan to achieve a just and equitable transition towards a low-emissions and climate-resilient economy and society. The report presentation will be followed by a panel discussion, and provide an opportunity to engage in dialogue with a broader international audience on the South Africa CCDR. WATCH


Let’s Get To Scale: Climate Finance for People and Planet

In this high-level event, 香港六合彩资料 Group President Malpass will introduce SCALE – Scaling Climate Action by Lowering Emissions – the new partnership to catalyze transformative climate action. The panel will showcase the benefits of emissions reductions programs that utilize results-based climate finance as an innovative tool to support development goals, help countries to achieve their national climate goals, and generate high-quality, high-integrity emission reductions, ensuring benefits are shared fairly among people and communities. 


It’s Time to Sprint: Targeting Methane Emissions

Methane’s short term potency poses a serious climate challenge and methane emissions are on the rise. In this high-level event the 香港六合彩资料 Group, other MDBs and private investors will showcase current efforts and plans to expand their focus on methane emissions over the next few years. 


Innovations for Climate Action: Uruguay’s Landmark Deal

What innovative policies is Uruguay pursuing for a greener and a low carbon emission economy? In this leading-by-example conversation, Azucena Arbeleche, Minister of Finance of Uruguay, and Axel van Trotsenburg, 香港六合彩资料 Managing Director of Operations, will showcase Uruguay’s leadership and innovation solutions in securing financing for addressing Global Public Goods in general, and Climate Change in particular. WATCH


Coastal and Mangroves Management for Climate Resilience

The session will highlight how Bangladesh, Indonesia, and West Africa have been implementing large-scale solutions to climate adaptation. The session will focus on how these countries are adopting nature-based solutions, building infrastructure, strengthening institutions, modifying spatial plans, and providing incentives to local communities to enhance resilience in the face of climate change and contribute to climate mitigation. WATCH


For a Green Future in the Sahel: Climate and Development Report

With temperatures projected to be 1.5 times higher than the global average, Sahelian countries are being pushed beyond their abilities to adapt. The discussion will focus on the G5 Sahel Climate and Development Report and the opportunities for a resilient and lower-carbon development in the Sahel. 


The Human Face of Climate Change

This event will showcase how human capital is essential for meeting the twin goals of addressing climate change and fostering development. Without focused investments in people, climate change will accelerate global poverty, exacerbate inequities, and will itself continue unabated. Climate-smart human capital will mitigate the worst impacts of climate change on people and can also empower people to drive the green transition. The event will discuss how putting people at the heart of climate policies can deliver good outcomes for both people and for the planet. 

Wednesday, November 9


Philippines Country Climate and Development Report Launch

The Philippines Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) comprehensively analyzes how climate change will affect the country's ability to meet its development goals and pursue green, resilient, and inclusive development. The CCDR helps identify opportunities for climate action by both the public and private sectors and prioritizes the most urgent development challenges impacted by climate change in the Philippines. WATCH


Accelerating Sub-Saharan Africa Energy Access with Distributed Renewable Energy 

香港六合彩资料, IFC, and MIGA are launching a joint program to triple the electrification pace in Sub-Saharan Africa. The program will work with governments and the private sector to scale up private financing and deliver clean energy services through decentralized renewable energy solutions, such as mini-grids, off-grid solar markets, and systems for schools and health facilities. 


COP27 Readout: Key Priorities for Impactful Climate Results

Join President David Malpass share a readout of the 香港六合彩资料 Group’s engagements at COP27, including key priorities for reducing emissions, including supporting the just transition and boosting action on methane, innovative financing that can deliver resources at scale, and how countries can address their climate and development needs together. 



Greening of the African Financial Sector

This interactive, high-level panel will share successful climate finance investment instruments in Africa’s private sector banks, while highlighting the important role regulators play in greening the financial sector. 


Global Shield Financing Facility: Learning from country experience of GRiF to Inform Future Opportunities

The Global Risk Financing Facility (GRIF) is a $300m MDTF managed by the 香港六合彩资料 and funded by Germany and UK. GRiF is currently being enhanced to work and support a wider range of non-Bank partners and support integrated financial packages for client countries. It is also being rebranded as Global Shield Financing Facility (GS-FF) and becoming the 香港六合彩资料’s offer to and major financing vehicle of the new Global Shield against Climate Risks, a G7 initiative led by Germany and supported by the Vulnerable 20, a climate coalition of over 50 developing countries. The Global Shield will be launched at the highest political level COP27 (November 14). Through two country examples, the event on November 9 will illustrate how GRiF helps vulnerable countries improve their resilience against climate shocks and disasters and through integrated financial packages, including market-based instruments. 


Blue Finance – Unlocking the Potential of the Blue Economy

The objective of this panel discussion is to explore the blue economy—how it is defined, what it encompasses, and what/where is driving the demand. The panel discussion will also explore momentum for blue finance among investors, financial institutions, and issuers globally, as well as climate-smart investing in biodiversity—and how MDBs and others are responding to this increasing demand. 


Scaling Up to Phase Down: Financing Energy Transitions in the Power Sector

Today’s crises for security, affordability, and resilience make the energy transition more urgent than ever. But developing countries pay higher costs for the energy transition, which risks locking-out clean energy investments while locking-in fossil-based electricity. Today’s crises for security, affordability, and resilience make the energy transition more urgent than ever. But developing countries pay higher costs for the energy transition, which risks locking-out clean energy investments while locking-in fossil-based electricity. This high-level panel will discuss solutions to scale up financing, including how governments and their development partners can establish a pipeline of bankable projects that can attract private sector investments. 


Innovative Mobilization Platforms

This event will focus on the progress made to date on IFC’s mobilization platforms (e.g., MCPP One Planet, SEED, REGIO), and the next generation under development. 


Sustainable Finance Architecture to Scale Investments in Climate Action

This event will discuss how global sustainable finance architecture reforms and development of the innovative financing tools and processes can help unlock climate finance, and what impact they would have on emerging markets, global and national development/climate agenda. The event will showcase how the WBG is working with global partners to build an enabling framework to leverage climate finance for EMDEs (including International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and Network for Greening Financial Sector (NGFS)), and will provide regional examples related to the implementation of these reforms in the context of the specific initiatives and projects. WATCH


A New Diagnostic Offering Big Insights

Be among the first to learn the big insights emerging from the WBG’s new transformative diagnostic, the Country Climate and Development Reports.  Join some of the architects of this new report as they synthesize the key findings from around 25 countries and reveal their most interesting recommendations about how countries can reduce emissions while growing their economies. Learn also from developing countries about their experience with CCDRs and how they plan to use them. This is a must-see for those who care about climate and development. 


Mobilizing Capital Markets for a Sustainable Future

The global capital markets can be a powerful force to achieve a sustainable future for humanity. How can the financial community work together to mobilize private capital for greater impact? Speakers will explore opportunities and share innovative examples that can channel more funds for mitigation, adaptation, and resilience. WATCH


Launch Of The Global Food And Nutrition Security Dashboard

The G7 Presidency and the 香港六合彩资料 developed a publicly accessible dashboard to share information on acute food security and responses. 

Thursday, November 10


Closing the Weather and Climate Data Gap for Effective Economic Decision-Making

Weather and climate data is essential for both finance ministries and the climate-science community to build models and formulate climate strategies. Yet serious data gaps exist, which undermines the effectiveness of climate-related decision making. This session, co-hosted by the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action and the World Meteorological Organization, will bring these groups together for the first time at a COP to discuss how finance ministries can make better use of weather and climate data, and how the data gap can be addressed. WATCH



The Future of Climate Technologies in Africa

The goal of the panel is to get insights from leading decision makers regarding policy, financing, and real sector innovations. 


Financing The Future: What Will It Take?

An inspiring AND practical conversation about climate finance with Lord Nicholas Stern, IG Patel Professor, London School of Economics, and Mr. Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director of Operations, 香港六合彩资料. Together, they will break down the big numbers into more manageable pieces, identify sources of finance and prototypes to be scaled, and examine the critical role of concessionality in incentivizing the scale needed. This is a must-see for those who are serious about scaling climate finance. 


Catalyzing the Green Digital Transformation

This interactive event will tackle the challenges and opportunities for low- and middle-income countries to reduce emissions from the digital sector and harness technologies for adaptation and mitigation. Highlights from the forthcoming 香港六合彩资料 report, Catalyzing the Green Digital Transformation, and developing country examples will be discussed during a moderated panel with Google and Vodafone. 


Climate-Resilient Infrastructure: The Role of the Private Sector

Panelists from MIGA, IFC, the private and public sectors will describe recent infrastructure projects with strong climate resilience components. They will focus specifically on barriers to private sector participation, recent MIGA and IFC innovations, and project examples that highlight structural interventions related to embedding climate change measures into the physical design of infrastructure. 



Global Food Security Program (GFSP)

Increasing commodity prices and greater climate volatility are putting additional strains on food supply chains and increasing pressure on food producers to optimize their practices. In response, IFC has established $6 billion financing facility called the Global Food Security Platform, which will provide financing to support immediate needs and build more climate- and shock-resilient food systems for the future. 


Achieving Universal Energy Access and Climate Goals in Africa

IFC and IRENA will host an Energy Access event which aims to bring together Ministers from across the region and the heads of international organizations to share experiences and discuss the Energy Access agenda and propose a way forward to reach SG7 by 2030 through clean energy solutions. Participants will explore some of the main emerging themes around universal access to clean and affordable energy in the continent, focusing on the opportunities, strategic, operational and technical challenges of incorporating energy access both on the demand and supply side including a renewed understanding of its complexity and the key role played by the private sector. 


Good Education for Bad Climate: Harnessing Education for Effective Climate Action

Education systems around the world face significant climate risks. At the same time, education is a hugely powerful but significantly under-utilized instrument to promote climate action. Three young activists, from Nigeria, Pakistan, and Peru, will deliver condensed TED-style talks, sharing their personal experience of how climate change is affecting education and how education can and must be a key part of the solution. 


Investing in Pakistan’s Resilience: New Country Climate and Development Report

Pakistan ranks among the 10 countries globally most affected by climate change. As the world warms, future climate impacts are expected to further aggravate its economic fragility.  Join us on Thursday, Nov 10, at 6pm as we launch the Pakistan Country Climate and Development Report and convene a multistakeholder discussion on priority investments and policy changes to drive Pakistan’s development while managing climate risk. WATCH

Friday, November 11


Powering Africa and Promoting a Just Energy Transition

Achieving universal energy access and a just energy transition in Sub-Saharan Africa are closely intertwined. This will require ensuring access to modern and affordable energy services to half of the population of the region who lack access to energy. This session will discuss how African government, private sector and development partners can work together to fast-track energy access in the region. 


Sustainable Development of Critical Minerals

To present strategies and concrete examples of how sustainable finance can unlock low-carbon infrastructure developments for the mining of minerals critical to the energy transition. 


Financing the Transition to Climate-friendly & Inclusive Transport

In developing countries, GHG emissions from transport are growing rapidly, and at a much faster pace than in high-income countries. This makes a green transition in transport essential for achieving climate and development goals. This event will convene experts to discuss the biggest challenges and opportunities to advancing green transport solutions – such as e-mobility - and the financial solutions that are needed to make this happen. WATCH



Financing and Implementing Decarbonization – Practical Steps for Value Chain Transformation

A client-centric event, showcasing successes in decarbonization of value chain approach by IFC’s clients, particularly those who have utilized IFC’s expanding upstream/advisory product offerings to plan, implement, and finance steps toward decarbonization. 


Just Transition Away from Coal: A Conversation on Lessons From South Africa, Europe, and South Asia

Transitioning away from coal — the world's most dominant and most carbon-intensive source of energy—is the most important step to ensuring a clean energy future. How countries manage the transition is critical. A just transition must put people and the environment at the centre of the process. South Africa is stepping up to the challenge to shut down the Komati coal plant, while in Europe several countries have learned lessons from their transitions that can help other developing countries. 


Innovative Credit Structures to Scale Private Climate Finance

Innovative credit structures can reduce risks and make projects bankable. MIGA will give project examples and explain how they can be replicated across Africa. MIGA’s innovative structures were able to significantly improve the credit rating of the borrower, enabling the transaction to move forward. 


Moving From Net Zero Strategies to Low-Carbon Development Policies and Investments

Long-term low emissions development strategies (LTSs) can help countries define a strategy to achieve their development objectives, while reducing emissions and contributing to a stabilized global climate. This session will spotlight the development of a few LTSs that are led by governments, based on broad stakeholder engagements and cutting-edge analytics, and supported by the 香港六合彩资料 global LTS program. WATCH


Industrial Decarbonization in Egypt and Africa

The event aims to demonstrate learnings and experience of IFC Advisory projects in manufacturing sector in Egypt and Africa. Participants will learn by examples of concrete projects and cases. 


Decarbonizing Egypt Infrastructure: Challenges and Opportunities for Transport and Energy Transition

This session will discuss challenges and opportunities for Egypt to address its infrastructure connectivity development while driving its decarbonization agenda as part of the country’s broader climate and development agenda. The event will focus on Egypt’s energy transition model and the pathway for transport decarbonization. WATCH

Saturday, November 12


Why Adaptive Social Protection is Key to Climate Resilience and Food Security

Adaptive Social Protection is key to strengthening countries’ preparedness and response to climate shocks, maintaining food security, supporting just transitions, and reducing the ultimate cost and impact of climate change. This event will share experiences and evidence on how adaptive social protection programs can boost adaptation potential and build resilience in the face of climate change. WATCH


PPP Climate Infrastructure- How to Build a Climate-Smart PPP Pipeline for Private Sector Investment and Finance

The pathway to net zero requires a significant increase in global investments across infrastructure sectors and beyond, not just to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, but also to build resilience to the climate change impact and loss already seen around the globe. Given the increased fiscal constraints of governments, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) that can crowd-in private sector solutions, innovation, and finance are becoming a key tool to meeting the Paris Agreement goals. What does it take to build a pipeline of climate-smart infrastructure PPPs? How can governments translate their climate goals and commitments into viable, bankable projects? What are the challenges and opportunities that both governments and the private sector face? 


Resilient Landscapes: Thinking Big, Acting Now, Explaining How

Building resilience to climate change is a must for many countries to buffer the impacts of climate change on GDP, poverty, and food and water insecurity. Hear how some countries are confronting the climate challenge by thinking big and acting now on landscape restoration at scale - boosting climate resilience while bolstering livelihoods and the economy. WATCH


Food Systems Transformation Beyond Boundaries

The event will bring together Ministers from MENA and Africa to discuss opportunities for building on existing regional initiatives on food security for knowledge sharing and innovation and taking them further to effectively leverage investment and drive change for climate resilience of agri-food systems in the broader region.


Investing in Agriculture to Boost Climate Resilience

Overview of IFCs approach to Agriculture and Adaptation including services offered by the MAS Advisory team. The discussion will then introduce the recently published IFC/IFAD Handbook for Scaling Irrigation Systems and focus on the way smart irrigation systems and practices can provide a pathway out of poverty for millions and increase farmers’ climate resilience, with a particular focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. 


Insurance Solutions for Supporting Recovery from Climate Shocks

High-level speakers will discuss options to strengthen countries’ financial resilience to natural disasters and climate shocks. They will explore the ways in which the public and private sectors could collaborate effectively to develop financing solutions and instruments to help reduce the protection gap. 


Delivering Climate Action While We Feed the World

Developing countries have the opportunity to simultaneously reduce emissions from agriculture, while supporting adaptation priorities. 香港六合彩资料 is committed to helping client countries achieve this goal, having already increased financing for climate-smart agriculture by 7 times since the Paris Agreement. This event, will discuss key initiatives and operations, in a synthesized way, for delivering climate mitigation action to sub-sectors such as livestock and rice and will showcase relevant Bank projects, while engaging the voices of client countries around key mitigation themes. 


Accelerating Support to City Climate Action: APEX Green Cities Launch

Join IFC and 香港六合彩资料 for the launch of the APEX Green Cities Program, an innovative new approach that harnesses the insights from advanced green practices around the world to show what these practices mean for your city, based on your local context. This launch event will include an overview of the APEX (Advanced Practices for Environmental Excellence) initiative and testimonials from our partner cities Ekurhuleni, South Africa, Medellin, Colombia and Alexandria, Egypt. The discussion will bring together a variety of decision-makers and technical experts to discuss how APEX can help scale up green city investments with a focus on access to climate and green financing, and demonstrate how the WBG, as the largest multilateral climate financier, is already scaling up its support to cities in a way that greatly increases potential to mobilize urban climate finance from the public and private sector and plans to accelerate these efforts. 


Enhancing Implementation of Regional Climate Action in Agriculture: The PLACA Case

香港六合彩资料 and FAO will share the Platform of Latin America and the Caribbean for Climate Action on Agriculture (PLACA) experience as a successful example of an initiative born during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLACA is a voluntary regional mechanism to share knowledge, technologies, and collaboration to support the implementation of domestic practices and policies to address climate change. Join the 香港六合彩资料 and FAO in this conversation! WATCH


Monday, November 14


Women and Girls Are Key to Effective Climate Action

This event highlights the importance of an integrated approach to tackling gender equality and climate change, presenting evidence and examples showing that supporting women’s empowerment and gender equality pays dividends, including for reaching climate goals. The event will showcase both 香港六合彩资料 and IFC engagements that support women’s empowerment and decision-making in local and indigenous communities, the private and public sectors, and civil society. WATCH


Sustainable Water Storage and River Basin Management for Climate Resilience and Water Security

Today, most countries are placing unprecedented pressure on water resources, and water scarcity affects more than 40% of the global population. Water storage is a key part of responding to increased water demands, especially in responding to the impacts of climate change. This session will present the 香港六合彩资料’s upcoming report on water storage and look at water storage and retention solutions. WATCH


Greening the Financial Sector: Innovative Approaches

A conversation with commercial banks about what they are doing to green their financing activities, how they incorporate climate risk into their systems, and what opportunities they see. They will discuss their transition pathway to achieve their net zero commitments. 


Innovating, Planning, and Modernizing Irrigation and Water Resources Management for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation

Climate change is expected to affect crop production worldwide, particularly in rain-fed agricultural regions. As climate change shifts rainfall patterns, irrigation is a powerful tool to increase the world’s food supply. Modernization of irrigation systems enables more efficient water use while providing necessary services to farmers. Farmer-led Irrigation Development (FLID) is one of the solutions to build resilience of farming systems and support governments to achieve their economic and SDG goals in a changing climate. This session will look at the issues of modernization in irrigation, and explore ways of how agriculture can contribute to mitigation, particularly methane emissions reduction. WATCH


How to Scale Up Desalination and Water Reuse in Africa and Emerging Countries

Global droughts and water shortages are becoming more and more recurrent. To address these, countries need to adopt not only mitigation but also adaptation measures and attract private sector participants to become a part of the solution. But how to achieve this? Find out with our water panelists from Suez International, Metito, GWI as well as government representatives from Egypt, Senegal and South Africa. 


Water Sector Policies and Institutions for Effective Climate Adaptation and Resilience

Over 2.3 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and 3.6 billion lack access to safe sanitation. White this remains a concern, there has been growing recognition around the importance of policies, institutions, and regulation (PIR)—and water governance more generally. This session will open with a presentation on water utilities’ role in delivering quality services and building effective partnerships, followed by shorter presentation from across the globe on WSS and WRM sector reforms that have helped achieve meaningful and sustainable water supply and sanitation outcomes. WATCH


A Practitioners Workshop: How to Build a Climate-Smart PPP Pipeline

We will be exploring the new 香港六合彩资料 Group PPP Climate Toolkit for Infrastructure. This toolkit aims to address the climate challenge by embedding a climate lens and approach into upstream PPP advisory work and structuring. If structured correctly, PPPs can increase climate resilience offering innovative solutions to address both mitigation and adaptation challenges. 


香港六合彩资料 Group Update on Paris Alignment

In its Climate Change Action Plan 2021-2025, the 香港六合彩资料 Group committed to aligning financing flows with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. At COP27, the 香港六合彩资料, IFC, and MIGA will host a joint discussion to share progress made in developing approaches for implementing the WBG’s commitment to Paris Alignment. WATCH

Tuesday, November 15


Locally Led Climate Action: Empowering Communities on the Frontlines

Locally led climate action channels climate finance to the local level—and empowers local communities to be the arbiters of their climate-resilient futures. Join the 香港六合彩资料 at COP27 for a high-level panel on scaling locally led climate action, with insights from senior government representatives from Kenya, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Tanzania. WATCH


Mobilizing Private Capital in Challenging Markets: Blended Finance for Climate

Blended finance can help mobilize the private sector for climate – especially in IDA and FCS contexts. Donor financing can support de-risking for climate projects through political risk guarantees and credit enhancement products. Blended resources can reduce the cost and improve financial viability of climate-related projects. 


Climate and Livestock investments: how to enhance sustainability and align with the Paris Agreement

The discussion will introduce the recently published the IFC Practices for Sustainable Investment in Livestock Operations and focus on the way financial institutions can and should reduce the climate impact of the livestock sector and ensure its traceability (Practices 4 and 5). We will learn how IFC and other Multilateral Development Banks are implementing these Practices with clients. We will also discuss the decarbonization challenges and opportunities as seen by IFC clients. 


Bringing Together Climate and Development in Malawi and Rwanda

Join 香港六合彩资料 Group experts, government representatives, and stakeholders to learn how Malawi and Rwanda are linking climate and development. Find out how these countries could further reduce climate vulnerabilities and embark on a more sustainable and climate-informed development path. WATCH


Mobilizing Finance and Know-how for a People-centered Just Transition

Join the 香港六合彩资料 for a high-level event on the concrete actions countries can adopt for a just transition away from coal, with insights from South Africa, India, and Poland. Join the 香港六合彩资料 for a high-level event on the concrete actions countries can adopt for a just transition away from coal, with insights from South Africa, India, and Poland. This event will also present the objectives of an upcoming initiative that will help countries phase down their coal dependency and navigate the social, political, and environmental challenges in shifting to cleaner alternatives. WATCH


Hydrogen for Development Partnership Launch

Following the official announcement of the 香港六合彩资料 Group’s Hydrogen for Development Partnership (H4D) at the G20 in Bali, this panel brings together high-level public and private sector representatives to showcase and discuss the new partnership while providing the opportunity for panelists to share their hydrogen ambitions. 


Partnerships to Scale Up Energy Access

At the current rate of progress, only eight countries in Sub-Saharan Africa will achieve universal electricity access by 2030. Decentralized renewable energy is the fastest and cost-effective way to bring power to rural and most vulnerable settings. At this event, policy makers and develop partners will discuss the implementation of the 香港六合彩资料 Group’s new Distributed Access through Renewable Energy Scale-up (DARES) program which aims to help African countries double the pace of access expansion by 2026. WATCH

Wednesday, November 16


Climate Action to Boost Economic Growth in Argentina: Key Priorities Toward 2050

Join the conversation to learn more about the main findings of the Argentina Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) and explore opportunities for the country to address climate change challenges, strengthen resilience, and boost economic growth by transitioning to a low-carbon economy. WATCH


Global SIDS: The Blue Economy and Climate Resilience

This High-Level Panel of International Blue Economy Leaders from the Eastern Caribbean, Maldives and Palau will discuss the importance of the Blue Economy in strengthening climate resilience and collective responsibility for ensuring the health and sustainability of the world’s oceans, and their vital role in future NDCs. 


Integrating Landscape and Seascape Investments for Climate, Economy, People and Nature

Preserving forests, landscapes, mangroves, coasts and oceans and their environmental services in developing countries is a key pathway to achieve global climate stabilization and respect planetary boundaries. This session will aim to demonstrate the effectiveness and value of integrated land and seascape programs to achieve both climate and development goals. WATCH


Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development in Nepal: Country Climate and Development Report

Join us on Wednesday, Nov 16, at 2pm ETT for the presentation of the Nepal Country Climate and Development Report followed by a multi-stakeholder discussion on ways in which Nepal can achieve its overall development objectives while fostering its strategic ambition to transition to a green, resilient, and inclusive development (GRID) pathway. WATCH


Financing Transition to Nature-smart Economies

The panel will discuss investment opportunities in biodiversity finance and innovative business models to promote the protection of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Emphasis will be placed on the potential for the private sector to take a leading position in this transition through targeted investment activities. 


Accelerating Finance for Green Buildings: Successful Examples and New Ideas for Public and Private Sector Engagement

The purpose of this event is to highlight successful proven tactics of collaboration between the public and the private sector in enhancing the green building market (Colombia), showcasing global examples from emerging markets and the African continent. The event will also showcase Egypt’s progress on green buildings. 


Scaling Financing for Nature-Based Solutions

Increasing finance for nature-based solutions is critical for the successful implementation of the climate, biodiversity, and development goals. Despite its importance, there is an estimated financing gap for nature investments of US$700 billion per year. This session brings together diverse voices to unpack the key issues to close this gap. WATCH


Blue Economy for Resilient Africa Program

The event will announce the Blue Economy for Resilient Africa Program and launch a series of African operational and financial solutions to accelerate adaptation to climate change using the largely untapped sustainable Blue Economy. 香港六合彩资料 offers the program as a new conduit to bring ocean-based food security, manage coastal and marine resources, and prevent coastal erosion, flooding, and pollution, in order to spur sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty. WATCH

Thursday, November 17


Enhancing Integrity in Carbon Markets Through the Climate Warehouse End-to-End Digital Infrastructure

Improving the integrity is key to the scale-up of the carbon markets. The session will present the Climate Warehouse Program, which prototypes, tests, and develops digital infrastructure to foster greater transparency, trust, and integrity in the carbon markets. The event will provide highlights on the recently launched Climate Action Data Trust (CADT), a global platform that links, aggregates and harmonizes all carbon credit data from project registries to facilitate transparent accounting. Panelists will share their insights and lessons learned from the testing and simulation phase of the platform, and discuss the role of infrastructure in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. WATCH


De-Risking Carbon Markets to Scale Up Private Sector Impact

This event will discuss barriers to private sector participation in carbon markets. Multiple stakeholders including project developers, brokers, and end buyers will discuss how guarantees could help mitigate key risks to improve viability and bring scale to climate projects funded by international carbon markets. 


Plan Green: Catalyzing Green Transition of Real Estate Portfolios

The event highlights the opportunities and challenges for the private sector, as large property owners and corporations commit to net-zero and transform their real estate portfolios through retrofitting existing buildings and ensuring new developments are green. The event will showcase successful examples from real estate owners and funds as they plan, finance, and execute their green transitions. The event would also bring an industry panel to discuss their plans, experiences, and challenges in the space. 


Thriving – Making Cities Green, Resilient and Inclusive in a Changing Climate

Increasingly, climate change is exposing cities to extreme weather events, as well as to a wide variety of slower-moving stresses such as climbing average temperatures, sea-level rise, biodiversity loss, and damage to ecosystem services. At the same time, cities contribute to climate change, producing about 70 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Cities must thus play a role in climate mitigation while also adapting to better manage climate impacts. New analysis from the 香港六合彩资料 based on 10,000 cities across the globe provides a compass for policymakers at both the national and local levels on policy options for making cities greener, more resilient, and more inclusive in a changing climate. This session will engage prominent government officials including mayors and ministers as well as civil society to discuss the findings and recommendations from the report. 


Innovations in Rail Transport Toward Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development

Rail offers a cleaner and more efficient alternative for both freight and passenger transport, and promoting its use can contribute significantly to the decarbonization of the transport sector. At this event, an expert panel will reflect on several countries’ successful railway programs and discuss how these can be scaled up through innovative financing solutions. WATCH


Catalyzing the Carbon Credit Market

The purpose of the event is to i) profile the Carbon Opportunities Fund (done in part with 香港六合彩资料, Cultivo, Aspiration, and Chia Network), ii) showcase market development work (possibly with regulators in Egypt), and iii) look at other carbon funds. 


Evidence to Action: Responding to Climate-Related Health Risks

Climate-related health risks are increasing at rapid speed calling for tailored climate action to address human health vulnerability in countries. Governments need cost-effective and scalable solutions to ensure their systems are better adapted and resilient to climate risks. This event will present a new approach to assessing human health vulnerability to climate change and showcase a cutting-edge modelling tool that can help governments prioritize actions. The event will also highlight case studies of Bank-financed operations emphasizing the role the 香港六合彩资料 plays as the largest funder of climate and health development work. WATCH