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Violence Against Women & Girls -- Resource Guide


Rapid Situation Analysis

Before developing an intervention strategy to respond to VAWG, project teams should understand the legal, social and epidemiological situation in the country, region or local community as they relate to VAWG. New programs or activities should be developed with an in-depth understanding of the existing gaps in services across sectors. WBG and IDB staff should work with governments, private sector partners, non-governmental institutions, local experts, and other counterparts in the country to answer some or all following questions.

Additional Questions

  • 1 For example, in the health sector, relevant sex-disaggregated data would consist of the health status of men/women, their role in the health sector, the numbers and training levels of male and female health workers, patient preferences for male or female health workers, women’s/men’s use of and capacity to benefit from health-care services, etc. This information will assist with understanding a) the health status and health decision-making of men and women and how they differ, b) any gender inequities in hiring policies and practices, and c) any obstacles patients may be facing in accessing health services, whether cultural or structural. Understanding household dynamics, reflected in decision-making patterns, has a significant impact on women’s ability to access services or benefits, including those related to GBV.
